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Abby’s a Certified Personal Trainer with the American Council on Exercise and a Certified Nutrition Coach with the National Academy of Sports Medicine. Her goal is to help clients feel strong, feel good, and fall in love with fitness. If after a session, you’re like, “Whoa, I feel strong! I feel good!” - then we’re headed in the right direction. 

As someone who felt intimidated by athletics in her youth and complete confusion over it into her mid-30’s, she’s able to empathize with folks just starting out or getting back into a routine. This empathy combined with patience and knowledge fosters a supportive environment dedicated to helping people meet their goals while feeling comfortable in their bodies. 


That’s not to say she takes it easy on her clients. To make serious progress whether in building strength, body recomposition, or improving cardiorespiratory health, Abby believes three components must be met: consistency, volume, and intensity. It’s about showing up regularly, continually adding resistance, and pushing yourself. It takes work - but that work is so rewarding!


Before becoming a fitness professional, Abby spent a decade as an esthetician channeling her passion for helping others into building confidence through skin care. Prior to that, she worked in Water Conservation for the City of Austin, TX after completing a bachelor’s degree in Political Science and Environmental Studies and a master’s degree in Urban Planning.

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